• Interview with Katya García-Antón, the director of the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø 2023. 

    By Marion Bouvier, Hakapik

    Following a couple of troubled years after the museum board fired former director Jérémie McGowan in 2020, the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum finally got a new director and chief curator on board in august 2022. The museums choice landed on Katya García-Antón, a 56-year-old British-Spanish art historian and curator. 

  • Katya García-Antón at The Sámi Pavilion. Photo by Michael Miller / OCA

    Based on the comprehensive work behind the historic transformation of the Nordic Pavilion into The Sámi Pavilion during her time at OCA, director at NNKM, Katya García-Antón, has been nominated by the art magazine Monopol's Top 100 list at 58th place among the art world's most influential names.

    It is with pleasure that we see that collaborations with Indigenous artists and their perspectives over many years highlighted by The Sámi Pavilion is celebrated. 

  • We congratulate Riddo Duottar Museum on the funding boost in this year's state budget for planning a new Sámi Art Museum. This is an important step for Sápmi, as the museum will be a home for the powerful Sámi collection it has been building over decades. The museum will also play an essential role to nurture and advocate for Sámi world-views through the practices of its artists, duojars and other creative figures. Now we hope that there will soon be a new museum for Sápmi.

    Ollu lihkku, ráhkis Riddo Duottar Museum!

  • On Friday 7 October, the stage is finally set for this year's Kulturnatta (culture night) in Tromsø. Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum is open from 10 to 21 and entry is free all day. We offer a range of activities, such as story time, yoga, guided tours, hologram workshop, drawing workshop and open cafe. The evening with us ends with a concert by Vilde Bye.


    Yoga in the exhibition "Breathing Lines" – Meeting point at the counter

  • We are mounting a new exhibition on the first and second floor. On the third floor are the exhibitions Stimuli 6 and Watch Out - an Angry Stone, and while we are rigging and assembling, entry is free. We are opening our new exhibition, Breathing Lines, on Saturday 24 September at 2pm.

  • Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum is delighted to congratulate Keviselie/Elle Hansa/Hans Ragnar Mathisen who is today awarded the highest recognition in Norway - the St. Olav medal - and tomorrow receives an honorary doctorate at UiT University in Tromsø/Romsa!

  • We welcome our new director and chief curator, Katya García-Antón, to the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum. García-Antón started in the position on 1st of August and joins us from the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA).

    Her last project before arriving in the north was the commissioning and cocuration of the transformation of the Nordic Pavilion into the Sámi Pavilion in­ this year's Venice Biennale, whose pavilion artists and programme of activities have garnered great attention at home and abroad.

  • Museumsvert Hakky

    This summer we have daily* guided tour of the exhibition Cracked and in our MAKERspace you will meet museum host Hakky. She has new activities every day and the offer is open to everyone. It's free to sit down at SKAPEverkstedet, whether you want to join today's activity or just do yours. You will find almost everything you can think of to create something here. We also have sewing machines that are well suited for repairing a garment or two.

  • Opening hours at Easter

    The museum has the following opening hours during Easter:

    • Maundy Thursday: 10 - 20
    • Good Friday - 1st Easter day: closed
    • Monday 2nd Easter Day: 10 - 17

    Our Maker Space is always open when the museum is open, it's free to sit down here to make something - and you do not have to buy a ticket to visit the museum shop or Maker Space!

  • Kim Skytte and intern Sondre Sætaberget

    As a final part of the bachelor's program in art history at UiT Norway's Arctic University, Sondre Sætaberget spends 50 hours here at the museum. Sondre will be accompanied by the registrar and archivist, Kim Skytte and curator Rebecca Byram.
