Drop-in silk screen printing
Thursday, 25. August 2022 - 15:0020:00

Global Tromsø and Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum offer drop-in screen printing and a tour of the Krakelert exhibition.


Under expert guidance, you get to print a t-shirt with a motif based on the exhibition "Krakelert". Printing takes place continuously from 16:00 to 19:00. You can buy a t-shirt at the counter upon arrival, or bring your own shirt (light is best). There is a waiting period for the print to dry and be fixed, but in the meantime you can look at art, take part in a tour or unfold yourself in SKAPEverksted.


We have tours of all exhibitions in Norwegian and English. This weekend is the last chance to see the exhibition Krakelert.


Open and free for anyone who wants to unleash their creativity.


Admission: Free

T-shirt: NOK 50